New Look!

Welcome to!

Things sure are looking different around here! In our second quarter meeting, a member of our planning team remembered something they were asked in a business development course:

"What would your customers create if they were
given total control of your marketing?"

This is a question that doesn't get asked anywhere near often enough. So we did. We asked a whole lot of our prized customers what they would hope to see on a website like ours. Then we set out to build it. We couldn't be happier with what we've come up with. And we're pretty sure you will be too.

The number one request was that our customers want to see a more balanced approach to the technical and human elements of Information Security. Nobody needs yet another technical HOWTO when simply googling a specific topic will provide endless amounts of exactly the same information repackaged to look like original content. Especially when that information confuzingly sticks around well past it's expiry date. The direction you want to see is loud and clear.

One of our favourite new addition is the Dossier. It's not a blog. It's not a magazine. We can't say too much about it until it is ready to launch in May. It is looking amazing. Watch here for the announcements!

The customer is always right. We're onto something GREAT!


Karsten Johansson

  is a boutique firm boasting a 17-year history in information security consulting, and development of security practices for medium to large organizations throughout many of the world's major technical centres.

Managing Information Security with E's

One of the benefits enjoys from being directly involved in the Information Security business for almost 2 decades, is that we have played an integral role helping businesses keep up with the constantly changing threatscape. We've worked with companies ranging from tens of employees to Fortune 50 and 500 companies whose numbers are in the tens of thousands.

All this exposure has given us a holistic view and approach to securing information. To us, security is part of the overall process that governs the most successful of organizations. There are three core ways we make secure operations a reality for our customers:

The year 2014 began as the first time the general public fully understood how every aspect of the information lifecycle cannot leave our immediate control. Everywhere information is stored, processed or transported without stringent security controls represents an opportunity for someone - Friend or Foe (we no longer can tell) - to exploit it for their own purposes. Our experts will help you gain and maintain that control.

Contact us at to discuss how we can help you get there.